BYK Gardner  is a worldwide leader in the automotive, paint and plastic industries for quality control of colour, appearance and physical properties and offers WEBseminars for the basics of colour and gloss measurement and how to test physical properties of paint and coatings from wet to dry.

Learning made easy and convenient from your home or office!

Join us for the next FREE “60 minute” Webinar: NEW wave-scan generation – July 21st – 4pm AEST

The new wave-scan generation comes with a fresh design and a large colour touch display – operation and feel is as intuitive as you are used to with your smart-phone.


A recap of the most important milestones in the history of appearance measurement will be presented and most important what you can expect next:

  • Visual and instrumental tools to objectively evaluate orange peel and DOI of high gloss surfaces
  • Short review of wave-scan measurement technology and data interpretation for appearance optimization
  • Customer specific auto OEM scales: LW, SW, DOI, Rating, Tension, FAM, CF – PAQ, Dominant wavelength
  • Appearance Harmony

Presented by Gabi Kigle-Böckler, Global Business Manager, BYK-Gardner

Register now

Austest Labs represents sales and distribution of BYK Gardner colour and appearance related equipment in the Australian and New Zealand market.