Mechanical and Dynamic Testing
Austest Laboratories is the most comprehensively equipped provider of accredited mechanical testing services including shock and vibration in Australia, featuring:

- Vibration and shock test facilities in NSW, VIC and SA
- 5 modern electrodynamic shakers:
- Force capacity up to 60 kN (vibration), 120 kN (shock)
- Displacement up to 100 mm (unique in Aust.)
- Payloads up to 2000 kg
- Combined vibration / temperature testing
- 2 heavy-duty shock machines
- Payloads up to 1,500 kg
- Acceleration levels up to 600 g
- Half-sine, Sawtooth and Trapezoidal pulses
- Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) test facility (unique in Aust.):
- High-level and high-displacement SRS profiles
- Frequency range 1-2000 Hz
Inclination testing – Naval equipment, MIL-HDBK-2036 - Meets RAN NTB requirements for Naval Shipborne Shock testing to Mil-S-901D/E, BV043, DEF(AUST)5000
- Payloads up to 900 kg
- High-acceleration shock machines
- Acceleration levels up to 30,000 g
- Payload up to 100 kg
- Specialized vibration machines (asynchronous motion, long-stroke reciprocating motion etc.)
- Sustained acceleration (centrifuge) machine
- MIL-STD-810, RTCA DO-160
- Payloads up to 100 kg, 20 g acceleration
- High-speed impact machine, up to 500 J

- Universal load testing (compression/tension) machine, 100 kN
- Static and Dynamic inclination table, MIL-HDBK-2036
- Packaged drop tester, up to 80 kg
- Enclosure protection test facilities
- Ingress protection – IP code
- Impact protection – IK code
- Customized fatigue test rigs – automotive harnesses, train seats, cyclic impact, strength, slam open/close, wear and cyclic fatigue.
These comprehensive facilities are operated by leading experts in the field with each laboratory headed by senior engineers with 15+ years of experience in dynamic mechanical testing.
Testing operations are fully supported by in-house fixture design and fabrication facilities.

Our laboratories hold formal accreditation for testing to wide range of commercial, defence, automotive, transport and other standards, including but not limited to:
- IEC/EN/AS 60068-2-6
- IEC/EN/AS 60068-2-64
- IEC/EN/AS 60068-2-27
- IEC/EN/AS 60068-2-7
- IEC/EN/AS 60068-2-31
- IEC/EN/AS 60068-2-55
- IEC/EN/AS 60068-2-81

- MIL-STD-167-1A
- MIL-STD-810G
- MIL-STD-202
- MIL-STD-883
- DEF STAN 00-35
- DEF(AUST) 5168
- RTCA DO-160G
- MIL-HDBK-2036
- IEC/EN 61373
- IEC/EN 50155
Transportation testing – Crated load - EN 50125-3
- AREMA C&S Manual
- ISO 16750-3
- GMW14650
- GMW3172
- GMW3172
- SAE-J1455
Vibration testing – Army communications mast - ISTA 1A
- ASTM D4169-16
- ASTM D4728-01
- ASTM D999
- ASTM D6179
- ASTM D880
- ASTM D4003
- ASTM D5265
- ASTM D5276
- ASTM D5487
- ASTM D6055
Vibration testing – Train Tripcock Device - ASTM D6179
- ASTM D6344
- IATA PI968
- ST/AG/AC.10/11/Rev. 6
Enclosure Protection:
- IEC 62262
- IEC/EN/AS 60068-2-75
- IEC/AS/NZS 60529
- AS/NZS 1158.6 (luminaries)
High-speed impact - ANSI C136.31-2010 (luminaries)
- IEC 60255-21-1 (electric relays)
- IEC 60255-21-2 (electric relays)
- IEC 60255-21-3 (electric relays)
- AS/NZS 3439.5 (low voltage switchgear)
- ISO/AS 7240 (fire detection systems)
- IEC 61243-2 (voltage detectors)
- BS/EN 45502-1 (surgical implants)
- AS NZS 4386.1 (Kitchen Units)
- AS/NZS 3013 (Wiring elements)
- AS/NZS 4387.5—.8 (Kitchen assemblies)