EMC CISPR22 and CISPR13 to be replaced with CISPR32

Years ago, manufacturers made AV equipment, while others made Information technology equipment, with crossovers between the two categories rare.
Fast forward and the line between Audio Visual devices and computers is extremely blurred, with AV integrating Wifi, Bluetooth, ethernet and other technologies.
CISPR32 “Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emission requirements” is a response to this blurring of prpduct categories and is intended to replace and combine CISPR22 (IT equipment) and CISPR13 (AV equipment), due to significant overlaps across the two standards and equipment similarities – Australian equivalent AS/NZS CISPR32:2013.
CISPR32 is already included on the EMC mandated list and can be used for RCM compliance effective immediately. CISPR32 is intended to replace AS/NZS CISPR22 and AS/NZS CISPR13, although a date of withdrawal has yet to be made. The ACMA have indicated this is not likely before mid 2017. It should be noted that in Europe from next month (March 2017), you will no longer be able to use CISPR22 (EN55022) or CISPR13 (EN55013). Only CISPR32 / EN55032 will be accepted for CE compliance.
Equipment is to be classified as either Class A or Class B. Class B limits are the lower limits to meet and is intended to offer adequate protection for broadcast services within the residential environment, similar to CISPR22.
Applicable tests:
- Radiated emissions at either 10m or 3m distances. 30MHz to 1GHz, with additional testing up to 6GHz dependent on EUT highest clock frequency. 10m distance limits are identical to those specified in CISPR22.
- Conducted emissions at the AC mains power ports. 150kHz to 30MHz. Limits identical to CISPR22.
- Asymmetric mode conducted emissions. 150kHz to 30MHz. Covers wired network ports, optical fibre ports with metallic shield or tension members, antenna ports, broadcast receiver tuner ports (Class B equipment only). Similar to the requirements specified in CISPR22 for conducted disturbances at telecommunication ports. Only applicable to those ports that will connect to cables longer than 3m.
- Conducted differential voltage emissions. 30MHz to either 1000MHz or 2150MHz. Covers TV broadcast receiver tuner ports (terrestrial and satellite), RF modulator output ports, FM broadcast receiver tuner ports. Similar to CISPR13. Only required for Class B equipment.
Austest Laboratories have multiple test facilities covering compliance testing to CISPR32. Contact us here for a quote.