The mandatory human exposure standard in Australia is the Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Radiation – Human Exposure) Standard 2003 (EMR Standard) with its amendments and applies to most mobile and portable radiocommunications transmitters operating in the 3kHz to 300GHz frequency range.

The EMR Standard differentiates between devices used by an aware user (generally understood to be a device used in a controlled environment by professional or trained users), and a non-aware user (generally understood to be a device that is used in an uncontrolled environment by the general public or untrained users).  Controlled environments could be restricted areas where EMR hazard prone areas are clearly demarcated and/or have warning labels displayed.

Such devices have to comply with their respective Compliance Levels depending on the device Category (either A or B) they fall into (defined in the EMR Standard), as detailed below:

Compliance Level 1 Devices

 This applies to Category A devices only, i.e. a device that is an aware or non-aware user device, and not required to be evaluated under Sections 5.2 and 5.3 of Schedule 5 of the ARPANSA standard (relevant ARPANSA RPS3 extracts are provided below).

 S5.2.2 Equipment with mean power output not exceeding 100 mW (regarding aware user devices).

The evaluation of mobile or portable transmitting equipment for compliance with this Standard is not required where the nominal mean power output delivered to the antenna does not exceed 100mW.

S5.2.3 Equipment with mean power output exceeding 100 mW (regarding aware user devices).

The evaluation of mobile or portable transmitting equipment for compliance with this Standard is not required where:

(a) it operates on a push-to-talk basis;

(b) it is used by an aware user;

(c) it is operated with a transmit duty factor of 50% or less averaged over a six minute period;

(d) it does not exceed the power levels of Table S2 (in ARPANSA RPS3); and

(e) normal operation entails the antenna or other radiating structure being separated from the user’s body by not less than 2.5cm.

 S5.3.2 Equipment with mean output power not exceeding 20 mW (regarding non-aware user devices).

The evaluation of mobile or portable transmitting equipment for compliance with this Standard is not required where the nominal mean power output delivered to the antenna does not exceed 20 mW.

S5.3.3 Equipment with mean output power exceeding 20 mW (regarding non-aware user devices).

The evaluation of mobile or portable transmitting equipment for compliance with this Standard is not required where:

(a) it operates on a push-to-talk basis;

(b) it is operated with a transmit duty factor of 50% or less averaged over a six minute period;

(c) it does not exceed one fifth (20%) of the power levels of Table S2 (in ARPANSA RPS3); and

(d) normal operation entails the antenna or other radiating structure being separated from the user’s body by not less than 2.5cm.

The evaluation of mobile or portable transmitting equipment for compliance with this Standard is not required where the output power delivered to the antenna does not exceed the levels of Table S2 and normal operation entails the antenna or other radiating structure being from the user’s body by not less than 20 cm.

In essence, devices with a mean output power less than 100mW (for aware user devices) / 20mW (for non-aware user devices) are deemed to comply without the need for further testing.  Where devices exceed these power levels, they can still be deemed to comply if they meet the respective criterion of S5.2.3 or S5.3.3 depending on the intended usage environment of the device.  Examples of Compliance Level 1 devices are analogue cordless phones, handheld CB radios used for recreational or domestic purposes, remote garage door openers and the like.

 To comply with compliance level 1, the supplier of a device must:

(a) prepare a description of the device; and

(b) make a declaration of conformity for the device.

 Compliance Level 2 Devices

 This applies to a Category B device (i.e. not a Category A device) for which the normal position of use is more than 20cm from the human body.

 Such device are assessed in accordance with AS 2772.2 standard, which uses a calculated approach, taking into account the transmitter power to the antenna, the antenna gain, and the intended distance of the antenna from the human body.

Typically, examples of such devices or system comprising the transmitter connected to a transmitting antenna would be radio broadcast transmitters, cellular (GSM/UMTS) transmitters, transmission relay stations and the like.

 To comply with compliance level 2, the supplier of a device must:

(a) comply with compliance level 1; and

(b) show conformity with the applicable standard by a report of the results of assessment.

 Compliance Level 3 Devices

 This applies to a Category B device (i.e. not a Category A device) for which the normal position of use is within 20cm from the human body.

 For devices that are used in close proximity to the human ear (e.g. mobile phones), measured SAR levels need to be in accordance with EN 62209-1 method.  Any other SAR measurement method is not acceptable to demonstrate compliance with the Australian Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Radiation – Human Exposure) Standard 2003.

 For devices not used in close proximity to the human ear, but within 20cm of the human body (e.g. body worn devices that are not Category A devices), the measurement method to be applied is as detailed in Schedule 2 of the Australian Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Radiation – Human Exposure) Standard 2003.

Examples of such devices are our mobile phones, digital cordless phones and the like.

 To comply with compliance level 3, the supplier of a device must:

(a) comply with compliance level 1; and

(b) show conformity with the applicable standard by a report of the results of assessments by an accredited testing body.

Approval Specialists and Austest Laboratories provide low cost report evaluations to determine if existing test data meets local requirements.